Well I am a newbie to this blogging malarkey so I think I better start from the beginning and introduce myself to the world of blogs. I do have a tumblr (which I will figure out how to post the link to) but it's mainly for the reblogging of all things Disney, cakes and harry potter and the occasional rant so this will be my proper blog. I will also post up some of my trip reports from my travels, reviews of my favourite items and many other things.
Well I'm Laura *waves*
I'll be 28 years old on the 29th June and I live in the not so sunny Northern Ireland. I work as a sales assistant in a ladies clothes shop, where I've worked for nearly 4 years.(If you are reading this in 2018 when I've edited this post, I am now 30 years young and work in a different ladies clothes shop as a supervisor).
I love Disney, Harry Potter, fashion, baking, chocolate, boybands, writing and reading. I also have a youtube channel which again I'll try and figure out how to add the link onto my blog somewhere.
My Youtube
I don't really know what else to say without blabbering on so I'll leave it there.
Well I'm Laura *waves*
I love Disney, Harry Potter, fashion, baking, chocolate, boybands, writing and reading. I also have a youtube channel which again I'll try and figure out how to add the link onto my blog somewhere.
My Youtube
I don't really know what else to say without blabbering on so I'll leave it there.
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