My top 10 Favourite Harry Characters
As you are probably aware, I am a huge Harry Potter fan. So who are my favourite characters from the Harry Potter series? Which characters never fail to make me laugh? Which characters would I most like to be like? Which characters can I relate too? The Potter series have some of the most interesting characters in literature and some of the most related characters too.
Number 1 - George Weasley
People will probably wonder why I have separated Fred and George Weasley but I feel like it's important to see them as two different people. Together they are my favourite characters in the series but if I had to pick which twin was my favourite it would be George. From reading the books on numerous occasions it's clear that George is the kinder of the two, he's knows when to draw the line to stop him and Fred from getting into serious trouble (Goblet of fire when they are blackmailing Ludo Bagman, George tries to talk Fred out of sending him any more letters). George is exceptionally brave, smart, funny and loyal. When Fred *dies* (I'm in denial about that btw), George doesn't give up, he continues to fight because he knows he has too and because he doesn't want Fred's death to have been in vain. The same can be said when he looses his ear, he doesn't give up and still manages to crack a joke despite the fact he might have lasting problems due to having lost an ear.
People will probably wonder why I have separated Fred and George Weasley but I feel like it's important to see them as two different people. Together they are my favourite characters in the series but if I had to pick which twin was my favourite it would be George. From reading the books on numerous occasions it's clear that George is the kinder of the two, he's knows when to draw the line to stop him and Fred from getting into serious trouble (Goblet of fire when they are blackmailing Ludo Bagman, George tries to talk Fred out of sending him any more letters). George is exceptionally brave, smart, funny and loyal. When Fred *dies* (I'm in denial about that btw), George doesn't give up, he continues to fight because he knows he has too and because he doesn't want Fred's death to have been in vain. The same can be said when he looses his ear, he doesn't give up and still manages to crack a joke despite the fact he might have lasting problems due to having lost an ear.

Number 2 - Fred Weasley
Like I've said Fred and George are my favourite Harry Potter characters. Fred only misses out on the top spot because I do think he's slightly harsher than George and seems to jump into things without thinking them through first. (with the blackmailing for example). Fred, just like George, is exceptionally brave, smart, funny and loyal with a smidgen of ambition as well. He's not afraid to stand up for himself, his friends or his family or for what he believes in. Another trait of Fred and George is their desire to make people smile and laugh and the fact they made a living out of it. They wanted to bring a little flicker of light to the dark times and always make me smile when I read the books or watch the movies.

My number 1 female character from the Harry Potter series is the kooky Ravenclaw Luna Lovegood. What I love about Luna is that she does not give a damn about what people think of her and isn't put off by people calling her names. This is a trait I feel is very important to have. Not only does she have this trait but she's smart, witty and shows bravery throughout the series. She's a great friend to Harry when he feels he has no-one else and Harry can relate to her. She joins Dumbledore's Army and fights alongside her friends at the Ministry of Magic, after Dumbledore's death in Half Blood Prince and at the Battle of Hogwarts. While captured at Malfoy Manor she kept Ollivander's spirits up and then helped to bury Dobby at Shell Cottage. Along with Ginny and Neville she helped keep Dumbledore's Army running at the school before she got captured.

Number 4 - Hermione Granger
Hermione is my second favourite female character. When I first read the books, especially the first three, I was not the biggest fan of Hermione. but then I grew to like her when she became the brave and loyal witch that we all grew to love. Hermione Granger is a great role model for young girls and I see a lot of myself in Hermione. Education was important to me while at school as was not breaking the rules. She's told girls that it's ok to be smart and educated while being brave, loyal and standing up for what you believe in. She's the brains behind the trio and a great friend to Harry. She's the one who came up with the idea of Dumbledore's Army despite the fact she was a prefect at the time. She stands by Harry when other people are turning against him and fights alongside him to the very end. Despite being a muggle-born she's the brightest witch of her age and could outsmart any pure-blood witch or wizard.

Number 5 - Ginny Weasley
Ginny Weasley (we are talking about book Ginny here not movie Ginny) is feisty, fiery and sassy. She's not afraid to stand up for herself, her friends or her family. There's a great quote in the books from Fred/George that says "Size is no guarantee of power, just look at Ginny." Then they go on to say about how lethal her bat bogey hex is. She doesn't take crap from anyone, even her family (when Ron tries to slut shame her). She dates who she wants to date, even though she has a crush on Harry but doesn't let that stop her. She's sporty and a good quidditch player (she stole her brother's brooms from a young age). She's smart, brave and loyal too. She joins Dumbledore's Army and is the one who names it and fights alongside them at the Ministry of Magic and battle after Dumbledore's death. She also fights in the battle of Hogwarts despite the fact she's too young and her family don't want her too. She doesn't question Harry when he breaks up with her before heading off on the run but still supports him. She also keeps up Dumbledore's Army when Harry, Ron and Hermione are on the run and tries to steal the Sword of Gryffindor. We also tend to forget that Ginny was possessed by Voldemort at age 11 and it made her a stronger person, nor did she dwell on it. She's also one of very few people who stands up for Luna.

Number 6 - Neville Longbottom
Neville is one of the characters who goes through huge character development in the books and probably the most surprising. In the first few books we see a young guy who hasn't much confidence in himself or isn't very good at anything. He even asks the question in Chamber of Secrets "Whys it always me?". But we soon get to see Neville's bravery. Actually we see it in Philiosopher's Stone when he stands up to Ron, Harry and Hermione when they sneak out to get the stone. "it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies but a great deal more to stand up to our friends." In Goblet of Fire we see that Neville is good at Herbology and has a great interest in it. In the same book he gets himself a date to the Yule Ball with Ginny and has the best night ever. It is I feel in Order of the phoenix that we see a huge change in Neville's character. We find out what happened to his parents and he joins Dumbledore's Army so that he can made them proud. He shows his bravery when he fights alongside his friends at the Ministry or Magic and the battle after Dumbledore's death. I think Neville's crowning glory is (not those recent pictures *ahem*) when he keeps Dumbledore's Army going, stands up to the Carrows, helps protect younger students but we also stands up to Voldemort too before killing Nagini. I admire Neville because he's one of those people who grows as a person.

Number 7 - Harry Potter
Alot of fans tend to dislike Harry and it saddens me. Harry is the hero and in many ways is my hero, heck JK Rowling said he was her hero. A lot of people tend to forget what the poor guy went through in his life time and managed not to turn out a bad person because of those things. Of course Harry has his faults, like all the Potter characters but it's his immense bravery, his ability to love and the fact he's always so willing to put other people before himself. Yes sometimes he acts without thinking first but we all can do that at times. He goes to hell and back pretty much but somehow manages not to turn into a really bad person. He stands up for his friends and for what he believes in and when told he has to be the one to defeat Voldemort, he accepts the challenge at age 16, even though he doesn't have a bloody clue what he has to do or where to find the horcruxes. Sometimes I can relate to Harry which is why I will defend him when people slag him off. Mainly in order of the phoenix time when he's going through Post traumatic stress disorder (I didn't go through that myself) but it's more of when he feels like everyone and the world is against him.

Number 8 - Nymphadora Tonks
As a Hufflepuff I could not leave out my fellow Hufflepuff - Nymphadora Tonks, or Tonks as she prefers to be called. Tonks is a pure-blood witch who's part of the hugely famous Black family (she's Draco's cousin). Yet she's sorted into Hufflepuff and has a muggle-born father when most of her family were sorted into Slytherin (except Sirius who's gryffindor). She's a metamorphagus which means she can change her appearance when she wants. Tonks usually ops for bright pink hair. She's known to be quite bubbly and gets on brilliantly with Ginny and Hermione. She becomes the youngest member of the Order of the phoenix and is also an auror (dark wizard catcher). She's brave, loyal and smart and isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes in. She falls in love with Lupin and fights for him when he thinks he's not good enough for her. She stands by Lupin despite him being a werewolf but loves him for who he is. She fights alongside the rest of the order at the Ministry of Magic, she supports the collect of Harry during the Seven Harry's and fights at the battle of Hogwarts. She doesn't believe in her family's blood purity nonsense either.

Number 9 - Ron Weasley
Ron is probably my least favourite member of the trio but he still makes my top 10 for certain reasons. Ron's loyalty to his friends and family is what I like about him although his jealously towards Harry and Hermione is the reasons why he's so far down my countdown. He may not be as smart as Hermione or as popular as Harry but he is still smart, brave and loyal. Dumbledore also made him a prefect. He stands by Harry during several important moments in the books and fights alongside his friends at the Ministry of Magic, battle after Dumbledore's death and the battle of Hogwarts. He also provides some great comic moments throughout the series too. Even though he's a pure-blood wizard he doesn't believe in the blood purity nonsense and is friends with several muggle borns, going on to marry one. He rushes to Hermione's aid at Malfoy Manor and in the room of requirement when Draco, Crabbe and Goyle try to attack her.

Number 10 - Minerva McGonagall
McGonagall is the only Hogwarts professor to make my top 10 but I feel that she deserves to be in my top 10. She's strict but fair to all her pupils. I always imaged that the students respected her, including Fred and George. She treated all her pupils with respect and looked out for them when other's did *cough Snape/Umbridge *cough* She always defended Harry when he deserved to be defended but didn't show favourtism towards students, even though she gave Harry a place on the Gryffindor quidditch team in his first year. She's a great professor who actually teaches her students stuff. When Dumbledore is gone from the school she steps into the Headmistress role while acting like a mentor to her students. She stands up to Umbridge and ends up getting badly hexed in the process (ootp) and also insists on helping Harry to become an auror. She's a member of the Order and fights alongside them at the battle after Dumbledore's death. When Snape becomes headmaster of Hogwarts she sticks around to protect the students from harm and will do whatever it takes to do so. She also fights at the battle of Hogwarts and shows how badass she is when she stands up to Snape (mainly in movie i think).

Honourable Mentions
-Remus Lupin - The best defence against the dark arts professor. Really helped his students, especially Harry and Neville. Member of the order and fights alongside them in several occasions.-Hagrid - Friendly half giant who's on Harry's side from day one and is always there should Harry need someone to talk too. A member of the Order who tries to get the giants on the good side on Dumbledore's army.
-Molly Weasley - Welcomes everyone into their home regardless of them being muggle-born or half-blood. Treated Harry and Hermione like two of her own. Cares about all her children and wants what's best for them. Member of the order and fights at the battle of Hogwarts. Most memorable moment is killing Bellatrix. "NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!"
-Arthur Weasley - The only father figure Harry has that is actually a father. He treats everyone as equals and doesn't agree with all the blood purity nonsense. He cares about all his family and treats Harry and Hermione as two of his own. Member of the order who fights at the battle.
-Cedric Diggory - Another fellow Hufflepuff who got chosen out of all the Hogwarts students to enter the Triwizard tournament. He showed immense bravery in the tournament and took on every task head first while staying a genuine nice guy who was loyal and smart too.
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