Here is a recent photo of me taken a couple of weeks ago. Do I look under-weight or too skinny to you?

I've always been thin and have found it near impossible to put on weight. At present I weight 7st 8lb. My weight always stays around the 7 1/2 stone mark and no matter what I eat, it doesn't change.
Yes I do actually eat and I love my food. I'm so a chocoholic too.
However 2 weeks ago I went to the doctors due to me feeling unwell with stomach pain and no appetite. I was told I had acid reflux (which I had when I was a baby). I was also told I had lost 2kg in weight: the weight loss bothered me more than the reflux. Thankfully the tablets have helped get my appetite back and I'm eating my mother out of a house and home lol.
I went into Boots yesterday to weigh myself on their little machine (see 2nd receipt) and it looks like I've put on 4lbs in 2 weeks. I'm due back at the doctors next week and I'll get my weight checked again.
It really does bug the hell out of me when ladies like myself who are naturally thin or petite as I like to call it, and find it near impossible to put weight on, get slated and shamed for apparently being "too skinny" or "skinny". Heck I've even been told that I need a good feed, yet I eat like a horse! Imagine being told that you're too skinny and need to eat and put on weight?
Then you have the fools who assume that we don't eat at all which is total bullshit for me. The only time I don't eat is if I'm sick and even then I will force myself to eat something.
Skinny shaming someone can just be as horrible as someone being fat shamed. Some of us can't help it due to our genes or having a high metabolism or something like IBS (which I also have).
Negative comments about my weight do bother me and at the moment I am trying my hardest to put on the 2kg that I lost when I was unwell. I'm eating properly rather than eating a pile of take away food and junk food. I don't even do a lot of exercise (I've been to the gym twice in my life).
Please think before you slate someone's weight no matter what size they are and think of how those words might affect that person. We need to stop using terms like "fat" or "skinny" when it comes to being nasty to other people. Attacking people or using weight shaming as insults towards someone is not cool.
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