My morning routine

My morning routine depends on if I'm working or not and what time I start work at. When I'm working, I always get up 2 hours before I start work. I know that might seem early to some folk but I like having extra time and there are two very important things I always have to do before going to work and that is have a shower and have breakfast. But more on those later.

So for the purpose of this blog, let's say I'm starting work at 10:30am. 

I'll get out of bed at 8:30am. Usually I wake up earlier so I'll check social media for a bit before I actually get out of bed. 

I'll get up and check to see what the weather is like outside because here in Northern Ireland you never know what the weather is going to be like. I'll also stick my phone onto charge if it needs it. 

I'll then pick out my outfit for the day if I haven't already decided on what I'm going to wear. Obviously the weather plays a part in this, as does how I'm feeling.

Then I'll grab my iPod and it's off to the shower I go. Like I mentioned at the beginning, I always make sure I have a shower in the morning. I'm quite a paranoid person and one thing I get paranoid about is being smelly. We've all stood near someone who stinks of BO before and I'd hate to be that person. Also believe it or not, we all sweat during the night when we're sleeping. Us ladies do around the time of our periods. So even if I was to shower before bed, I wouldn't feel clean going into work without washing, especially putting clean clothes on. Some mornings I will wash my hair if it needs washing, if not, I'll use some dry shampoo. I will always get up that bit earlier so I can have a shower. Plus it helps to wake me up too! 

I'll then get dressed before cleaning up the bathroom then making my bed and tidying up my bedroom. If I leave the bathroom messy my mother would kill me lol. Plus I have to make my own bed too because I am 28 years old and like it made a certain way. 

I then do my make up. It doesn't actually take me that long to do my make up as I don't wear much. It maybe takes me 5 minutes. Then I'll straighten my hair or blow dry it if I've washed it. It takes me about 5 minutes to dry my hair then about 10 to straighten it. Some days I can't be bothered straightening my hair so I'll just tie it back in a fish tail plait. 

Once I've done my make up and hair it's time for me to have my breakfast. I will NOT leave the house unless I've had breakfast as to me it's the important meal of the day. Firstly I have to eat because if I don't I will have a sore stomach due to my IBS (irriatable bowl syndrome) and I can feel very sick too.Secondly I cannot concentrate if I don't eat. I just can't function without food and that goes for other meals too. Lastly I have to eat half an hot after taking my tablets for my acid reflux that I have at the moment. But yes , breakfast is VERY important to me, especially as I don't know when I'll get my breaks in work. So if I don't eat, I'd be starving by the time break time comes around.

After breakfast it's back upstairs to brush my teeth. I will never understand why people brush their teeth before having breakfast. Surely it defeats the purpose of why you brush your teeth? Won't your food taste funny and what if you have strong food to eat? Won't you end up with bad breath?

I'll then put my phone etc into my handbag and make sure I have change for the car park. If not I'll see if Mum or Dad has change. 

I always try and leave the house about 20 minutes before I start work. It takes me about 5 minutes to drive into work. But I like the extra time to get my car park and dander up to work. If I've extra time, I'll have a wonder around some shops or get some messages. 

Then it's off to work I go.

Obviously if I'm not working, my daily routine changes. I don't usually get out of bed until around 10:30/11am. Then I take my time and just chill. 
