Disneyland Paris - Day 1 - Monday 16th November 2015

Disneyland Paris - Day 1 - Monday 16th November 2015

 Due to the horrible events in Paris on the weekend before our trip, we did not know whether or not we'd be able to go. In one hand I wanted to go and support Paris but on the other I was worried and scared. There was a lot of watching the news and checking to see what the government was advising people to do and a lot of worry and fear. However we decided that we would go on ahead with our trip. I'm not going to lie, I was very worried about it all. We also knew that the Disneyland parks would not be opened until Wednesday 18th due to the three days of national mourning. I have the up most respect for Disney for doing this.

Monday was quite strange. I had already done most of my packing so had very little to do. Our flight wasn't until 5:30pm so I had a lot of time to spare that day which was spent watching the news and following events on social media. At 2:40pm, I headed to Belfast International airport to meet Alison, Roland and Carol. We were all visibly nervous about the trip. We were early for check in so had to wait around a bit. We checked in our luggage with my case being the heaviest. It was then through security where I bleeped and had to get a swab test done (she wiped over a cut on my hand and it stung like crazy). We then went to Starbucks where I got my first ever Christmas red cup. I had a white chocolate mocha which was lovely. Alison and I then had a wonder around WH Smiths to get drinks and snacks. We boarded around 5pm, taking off right on 5:30pm. Flying isn't my strong point but I got through the 1 hour and 20 minutes flight by listening to a Disney playlist I had made on my ipod and playing bubble shooter. There were quite a few people on our flight going to Disney but the plane wasn't full at all. 

We landed in CDG airport just before 8pm Paris time. We went straight to Passport control, getting put to the front of the queue due to Carol being on crutches. Alison and I went to get our luggage while Roland went to find our taxi driver. It didn't take long for our luggage to arrive. I can't remember who we booked our taxi transfer with but they were quite good. The guy couldn't speak much English unfortunately but the people carrier we had was comfortable. As I was sitting backwards, I ended up feeling a little ill by the time we reached our hotel. 

It took us just over half an hour to reach Disney's Hotel New York. I was never as glad to get some fresh air in my life as I felt so unwell. Security at the hotel got the driver to open the boot of the taxi and to check our documents. As soon as we stepped out of the taxi, the porter was straight over to collect our luggage. The hotel lobby was so quiet but that was understandable as it was quite late. We were able to get checked in straight away. The lady checking us in was called Rajaa which I'll always remember as she had a Jasmine (from Aladdin) pin on her lanyard and Jasmine's tiger is called Rajaa. She was lovely and gave Alison and I a voucher for a free pin each as well as some balloons. This was our little piece of pixie dust and we had only just arrived. Rajaa talked away to all of us while she sorted everything out for us.

Finally we were able to go to our rooms which were on the 5th floor in rooms 5216 and 5218. I could not fault our room at all. It was a good size with 2 double beds, a decent enough bathroom and a lovely view over Lake Disney. After a quick look around, we decided to go and visit the hotel shop to pick our free pins then go and get something to eat in the village. There were so many pins to pick from but I settled for the Hotel New York Pin, which was one of the many pins on my list. Alison purchased her autograph book and I got my pens for mine as I had already bought mine before we went. We then headed out in the pouring rain to visit the Disney Village which was a stone's throw from our hotel. A lot of the restaurants were closed by now unfortunately but we managed to get into the Steakhouse. I had the chicken and a baked potato then the creme brulee for dessert. My stomach was still a bit funny but I did enjoy dessert as there were hidden chocolate brownies buried in it.

By the time we had finished our food, everywhere in the Village was closed so we just headed back to our hotel. I began unpacking my case, quickly then got changed into my Minnie Mouse pyjamas to get ready for bed. I wasn't at all tired though. When I finally did go to bed, I didn't sleep a wink, maybe a few hours if that. The bed was very comfortable though with nice and soft pillows. 

So that is everything for day 1

Here is a video of a tour of our bedroom in Disney's New York Hotel.
