Disneyland Paris - Day 3 - Wednesday 18th November 2015

Day 3 in Disneyland Paris

It was an early start for us as we wanted to make it into the park for extra magic hours. Actually my alarm went off just after 6am, the only time it is acceptable to get up at that time of the morning is if you are in Disney or going on holiday in general. Today was our first day getting into the parks due to them being closed and I was excited about finally getting to see everything. I jumped out of bed and got myself ready, dressing in skinny jeans, my "I'm 99.9% sure I'm a Disney princess top."  purple coloured Mickey Mouse hoody and my comfy black boots.

Outfit of the day complete with Minnie ears.

It was then down to the Manhattan for breakfast where I filled up on the yummy bacon, washed down with apple juice. There were no characters roaming around the hotel which was kind of disappointing. Alison, Roland and I then made our way to the park via the Disney Village. It was dry but quite stormy and my ears kept blowing off.
"My ears keep blowing off." I said.
"You better see a doctor about that." Roland answered.
"But he might think I'm taking the Mickey." I chortled.
"Ear, ear." Roland laughed.
"In the hole wide world of ear related humour, you go for 'ear ear'?" I giggled, making a Harry Potter reference.
The one thing I could not get used too while there was trying to vlog. I dunno, I felt a bit daft speaking to my camera so didn't film as much as I would have liked. Before we went into the park, we took some photos outside the Disneyland Hotel. 

Then it was finally into the Disneyland Park and I was like an excited child at Christmas. Of course this idiot nearly lost her ticket in the machine because I didn't realise you just scanned it. Stepping into the park for the first time was absolutely amazing. There was a massive Christmas tree in Town Square and Main Street was decorated with pretty Christmas decorations. I made a beeline for the queue to meet Minnie and Mickey Mouse as that was one of my aims. I had already met Mickey but as Minnie is my all time favourite Disney character, I was desperate to meet her. The queue was quite long but I only had to wait about 30 mins and the time flew in as I got chatting to a lovely family from England. Minnie and Mickey were fantastic and both liked my Minnie ears and Mickey bag. Unfortunately it wasn't warm enough for me to show off my hoody to them. The cast members were kind enough to take photos for me on my own camera as I hadn't purchased photopass, although I did get a card so I could print out my professional photo with them which I got in a pretty frame.

Meeting the main 2 mice in their cute Christmas outfits <3

I then met with Alison and had a walk down Main Street USA and paid some of the shops a visit while taking everything in. The park really was beautiful as was Sleeping Beauty's Castle. I took a lot of photos. You can't have too many photos of Disneyland in my opinion.

Standard selfie with the castle.

It was then time to go into the beautiful castle and then into Fantasyland to see what was opened. I was very hyper despite it only being 10am. I first tried to pull the sword out of the stone but failed then went to join the queue for the Carousel. I then went and met Carol who had joined us. By now the park had officially opened and had got much busier. We then did two rides; Snow White and Pinocchio. Both rides are in desperate need of updating. The Pinocchio one was scary. I do think the Snow White's mine train ride like WDW would be good in DLP. We got our first fast passes for Peter Pan then had a walk around. I headed to Old Mill to see if there were any time slots left for Princess Pavilion. I had always been told you had start queuing during extra magic hours to get a slot but there wasn't one single person waiting for a ticket and it was only about 11am. There were loads of time slots left. We spotted Princess Aurora coming from the Princess Pavilion. We then headed to Toad Hall to get something to eat, though I wasn't that hungry. Alison and I then had a go through the Cheshire Cat's maze which was very confusing. Then it was time to use our fast passes for Peter Pan. I really enjoyed this ride, probably my fave out of the three dark rides. 

Carol and I then headed off to our time slot for Princess Pavilion and spotted Aurora again. We did have to wait quite a while before meeting a princess but we were inside and the hall was lined with photos of the princess castles and objects which belonged to them, which changed colour. In the princess pavilion you can meet 1 of 2 princesses but you don't know which one you'll meet. The cast members always ask which princesses you'd like to meet or which ones you have already met. We had already met Cinderella, Aurora and Rapunzel. I really wanted to meet Belle, Ariel, Tiana or Rapunzel again. Our princess was Ariel who looked stunning in her green dress. She talked away to Carol and I. One of the best things was when Carol asked her how she kept so thin and she instantly replied "I do lot of swimming." She was so lovely but I do wish I had longer to chat with her.
Moi with the beautiful Ariel

 When we left our meeting with Ariel, I purchased the professional photo which was in a cute princess frame. I also got my Minnie/Mickey photo and Carol's Ariel one. The photos were 3 for 35 euros. Aurora was the other princess so I was very glad we met Ariel. Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum and the White Rabbit were wondering around but there weren't that many characters about surprisingly. Carol and I headed back to the Castle to find Alison and Roland where Royal Christmas Wishes was happening. I stood and waited for a bit and had the best moment of probably my entire trip - After the show the princesses and their princes all walked past me, waving and saying "Hello" to me which I managed to film. Afterwards when I walked through the castle, I had a little bit of a cry. We then met Alison and Roland just in time to see Elsa and Anna in their horse drawn carriage. I'm very surprised that they don't have an Elsa and Anna meet and greet in the parks since they are so clearly popular and saught after.

After seeing Elsa and Anna it was time for us to watch the Christmas Parade. It was good but not as good as Disney Magic on Parade. Next up was watching Royal Christmas Wishes which featured all the princesses and their princes. A lot of the dialogue in this was in French so I found it hard to follow. It was amazing though to see all the princesses in their pretty dresses. Alison and I then went off on our own and headed into Frontierland in search of Merida.  We had to wait again for about half an hour to meet her but she was lovely and I said I'd look out for her brothers.
 Striking a pose with Merida.

We then found the Arendale village which as a fan of Frozen, it was a bit of a let down. We didn't have time to see the Frozen show though as we wanted to head back to see the parade. We then walked into Adventureland but there wasn't really much to see or do. I was gutted about Thunder Mountain being closed as it's my favourite ride. There were no characters about either, even though characters from The Jungle Book and The Lion King were supposed to do meet and greets there. We also visited the dragon under the castle but it was very dark.  We then went back inside the castle to head upstairs which was Sleeping Beauty's story. Roland met up with us then but we ended up stranded in the castle due to the water show thingy going on at the front of the castle and they had the entrances all roped off so people wouldn't get soaked. 

We then found ourselves a spot on Main Street USA to watch Disney Magic on parade. I was so excited about seeing this and had learnt the song off by heart before I went so I could sing along (also spoiling the parade in the process). As we were at the end of the parade route, it did take it a while to reach us. I ended up ruining the parade for myself by trying to get good photos of everything but as I had a new camera, I couldn't figure out the settings to get good photos. I still sang along, got waved at by many characters, got shouted at by a pirate and Peter Pan stuck his tongue out at me lol. 

Cinderella and Prince Charming

After DMOP, we decided to leave the park and go into Disney Village again. We opted for Planet Hollywood. I loved the inside of the restaurant. I had a bbq chicken burger and chips which was lovely. Before we headed back to our hotel, we paid another couple of shops a visit in Disney Village. When we did return to our hotel, we headed to the New York City bar to have a drink. I don't really drink alcohol nor was I sure of what half the drinks were so I opted for a child's strawberry milkshake smoothie which came in a cool shaker cup. It was nice to chill out in the bar for a bit.

My drink and light up tinkerbel clip

Alison and I then returned to our room to sort out our shopping and so I could make use of the free wifi in our hotel. I uploaded some photos to social media and also Facetimed Zoe who wanted to see how we were getting on. I was very thankful for the free wifi and it came in very handy.
Highs: The whole day in general. Meeting Minnie, Mickey, Ariel and Merida, the princesses and princes walking past me and the parades.

Lows: Spending most of Disney magic on parade taking photos rather than enjoying it.
Favourite ride: Peter Pan's Flight
