Back in April 2017, I flew to Blackpool for the Once Upon A Time StorybrookeUK3 convention at the Norbreck Castle Hotel. I will be posting up a trip reports on my adventure (at some point), but here is my photos from meeting the lovely Once Upon A Time Cast from that weekend.
These aren't in any particular order.
These aren't in any particular order.
Me and Sean Maguire who played Robin Hood.

Me with Lana Parillia (Regina Mills/Evil Queen) and Rebecca Mader (Zelena Mills). I got this signed by both of them.

Me with Emilie De Ravin who played Belle French. Emilie's autograph was free with my emerald pass so I got her to sign my photo.

Me and Lana Parillia aka Regina Mills/Evil Queen.

Me and the legend that is Robert Carlyle who plays Rumpelstiltskin/Mr Gold

Me and my friend Michelle with Robert and Emilie aka Rumpbelle.
Me and Jared Gilmore who played Henry Mills
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