Youtube and I

Youtube was something I never thought I'd actually do. Back in the beginning of Youtube, all I uploaded was rubbish videos that I filmed at concerts which were about 20 seconds long all you could really hear was the screaming crowd and none of the actual song. I would watch Youtube though, watching interviews with my favourite bands or celebrities or watching behind the scenes videos of Harry Potter or certain films. I didn't really follow any 'big' Youtubers though.

So how did I get into Youtube?
Back in 2013, before my second visit to the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London, one of my best friends, Alison introduced me to shopping haul videos. A haul video is where you film a video showing off the items you have purchased on a shopping trip or items you have been gifted from somewhere. Alison got me to watch several shopping haul videos from people who had visited the Harry Potter Studio Tour. This gave me an idea of what items were sold in the gift shop so I could write a list of what items I wanted to purchase. After our visit, Alison and I attempted to film our very own shopping haul videos with my camera (a canon powershot at the time) but it decided to turn itself off after about two minutes. We then used Alison's laptop to film on and managed to do a decent enough video. On returning home, I set up my very own channel and filmed my own haul video. I didn't use my camera due to not being able to see what I was filming and it would turn itself off after a short while. For that reason, I used my laptop webcam. The video quality isn't great but I found it much easier to film with it when doing a sit down video. It was quite scary uploading a video for the first time, especially of me sitting talking. I'm not the biggest fan of my accent but I've gotten used to it now. I've had my channel for four years now and have seen my confidence grow when it comes to filming and uploading. I've got a long way to go yet and I'm still learning about filming and editing.

What videos do I upload?
Shopping Hauls: Shopping haul videos where it first started for me and I have posted quite a few of these videos over the past four years. It started off as a haul of my purchases from the Harry Potter Studio Tour then some items I had purchased off the Wizarding World of Harry Potter website. I then did a couple of videos of all my Harry Potter merchandise. My haul videos then moved onto Primark shopping hauls and then I did hauls of my Disneyland Paris trips. I sometimes worry about doing haul videos in case of people thinking you're bragging. 
Question and Answer videos: I never really thought I would film a proper sit down chatty video so then I decided to give something a go. I sat down and answered some Harry Potter questions that I had found on Tumblr. I was still using my laptop webcam due to how easy it was to film on it. I also filmed the Disneyland Paris tag video and videos answering questions about my trips to Disneyland Paris and Harry Potter studio tour. 

Concert Videos: Concert videos were what I used to upload to my old Youtube channel but they were really rubbish quality and only about 20 seconds long. I had been to a couple of concerts after I set my new channel so I thought I would upload them to my channel. They weren't great quality or full songs but I think they were a bit better than the ones on my old channel. There were a couple of videos from Disney on ice as well.
Random videos: I have uploaded a few random videos to my channel such as Holly our dog running riot up and down the stairs, a plait tutorial video and even one about the beauty products I use.  There was also my Ice Bucket Challenge video too which people filmed to raise money for charity. 
Room Tours: I had also uploaded a couple of videos giving a guided tour of my bedroom, showing off my Disney and Harry Potter merchandise. I have had to redo these videos a few times due to my room changing and my collections changing too.  

Packing Videos: Before my 2015 Disneyland Paris trip, I was quite interested in seeing what people took into the parks with them in their bags. I watched quite a few of these type of videos. I then decided to do some of my own packing videos. I did feel a bit silly filming these types of videos as I tend to pack way too much stuff in my suitcase when I go away anywhere. Plus, there's a good chance I might take some items out or put different ones in. 
Disneyland Paris and Harry Potter Studio tour Vlogs: I had tried to vlog my 2015 visits to the Harry Potter studio tour and Disneyland Paris but I wasn't really confident in walking around talking to my camera. I would end up regretting this and wished I had filmed more. With Disneyland Paris, I kind of got lost in the moment and magic and forgot to vlog. I had only two days in the parks and wanted to fully make the most of my time there. I did manage to film Disney Magic on Parade and Disney Dreams of Christmas. My arms were so sore after holding my camera for a long time. I did manage to film a lot more of my Disneyland 2017 trip but annoyingly the memory card in my camera decided to become corrupted so I had very little space left on my other memory cards to film much. I did have to use my phone but was scared of space filling up on it too. I was kicking myself afterwards that I didn't purchase a new memory card the day we went to the Val Du Europe shopping centre. 
Monthly Favourites: At the start of 2016, I decided to start filming monthly favourite videos every month, talking about some of my favourite things from that month. These would usually feature items I have purchased or things I have liked. This is something I am still doing and will continue to do so hopefully in 2018 too. I do try and structure my monthly favourites so they make more sense but I do tend to ramble on quite a lot. 
Weekly Vlogs: In the middle of 2016, I had decided to give weekly vlogging a go. I did really struggle with this as I was working up to 5 days a week and I wouldn't be comfortable bringing out my camera in my local town to talk to it. The majority of my weekly vlogs turned out to be rambling on for about an hour to the camera, about nothing in particular. I continued these weekly vlogs until the end of 2016 but didn't keep them up in 2017. I found weekly vlogging very time consuming and the editing process was very life longing. My Internet connection isn't the greatest either so it would take me forever to upload the vlogs to my channel. At the start of 2017, I was working a lot more hours and my personal life had changed slightly so I would not have had the time to film, edit and upload. I may return to weekly vlogging in 2018 but we'll see. 
Acne and Me: My acne and me video was a huge deal for me and a video I was very, very scared about filming it and uploading it. For a start, I was going completely natural without any make up on and secondly, I was speaking about something that had really affected my self esteem. I made sure to plan this video and what I was going to say. I'm not too sure whether or not I'd be up for doing another video of this kind again but I will never say never. 
Once Upon a time episode reviews: In 2017, I decided to do something a little bit different, reviewing the episodes of Season 7 of Once Upon a time. Usually I mention once upon a time in my monthly favourite videos but I thought I'd review each episode individually, especially with all the new changes to Once Upon a time in season 7. 

What Do I use to film and edit?
Laptop webcam
Nikon Coolpix L330
I use Windows Media Maker to edit my videos.

So that's that guys. Like I said above, Youtube is something that I'm still working on. My videos may not be of the best quality or even the content may not be anything spectacular but it's all work in progress. I am only starting out with my content and learning all about filming and editing. Youtube is something I do for fun and I don't expect a career out of it. I tend to stay away from beauty and fashion vlogging as that's not me at all. Hopefully my content and editing will improve, as will my confidence. 
