This was our 2nd full day in Disneyland Paris and our first visit to Walt Disney Studios.
Outfit of the day: Tale as old as time, Beauty and the Beast t-shirt, blue skinny jeans, grey Mickey Mouse zip up and gold glittery trainers - All from Primark. I also wore my new Disney princess hat purchased from World of Disney in Disney Village.
Me and Captain Hook
As I waited to meet the Winnie the pooh characters, I got chatting to a lovely girl called Laura who just happened to have the same birthday as me and liked Tangled. I then went to meet Timone and Rafiki from The Lion King. As I was waiting, I met Alison’s friend Cara. She kindly took my photos for me.
We then visited Toy Story Playland and Ratatouille sections of the park so I could find somewhere to get something to eat. I also decided to try out the domino's as a wall photo since wall photos were all the rage in Walt Disney World. We didn’t go on any of the rides as none of them were as any interest to us. We opted to get food in the Blockbuster Café which is across from Rock n Rollercoaster. I was going to get some pizza but the pasta looked really good. It was part of the children’s meal deal. I got the pasta, crisps, carton of apple juice and a chocolate cupcake for 9 euros. It tasted so good. I did end up dropping some of my pasta on my jeans though.
It began lashing down with heavy rain while we were inside. I was very happy to be inside and not outside. Once it stopped raining, we headed out of the café to go and see Mickey and the Magician. We got chatting to an Irish family who were also waiting. We got pretty good seats on the left hand side so we had a good view. Mickey and the Magician was amazing. I did take some photos and videos but annoyingly by memory card became corrupt just like it did when I was in Blackpool for StorybrookeUK. It started off with Beauty and the Beast then featured The Lion King, Aladdin and Frozen. The Blue Fairy from Cinderella also made an appearance. I really, really enjoyed it. We then decided to leave the park and go back to the hotel for a bit. We met up with Carol in the Captain’s Quarter bar in our hotel. She was with a friend of hers called Glenda. Alison and I got the 25th anniversary kid’s cocktails in the flashing drinks cups. I got the pink one and Alison got the blue one. It was really nice. I know it had Sprite in it but I couldn't tell you what else.
Alison, Carol and I paid the shop a visit before returning to our room. We spent a bit of time there before we headed into the Disney Village to get food in Annette’s Diner. I had to go through all my spare memory cards to see what space I had left on them and delete a pile of photos and videos so I could take more photos and videos. This was really annoying as I dislike deleting photos without having them backed up on my computer. I think I ordered the onion burger and chips with apple juice in Annettes. I actually enjoyed my meal and would definitely eat in Annettes again. I just wished my tooth would stop hurting as it was driving me mad when I ate anything. Sadly, I didn't get any photos of my food.
We then went back into the Disneyland Park as we were returning to watch Illuminations. We took loads of photos and visited the various shops on Main Street USA. We then got a spot for Illuminations. Roland and I stood where we stood for the parade the previous day. It was a decent enough spot with a good view of the Castle. I did try to get some creative, Instagram photos but I really sucked at taking them lol.
Outfit of the day: Tale as old as time, Beauty and the Beast t-shirt, blue skinny jeans, grey Mickey Mouse zip up and gold glittery trainers - All from Primark. I also wore my new Disney princess hat purchased from World of Disney in Disney Village.
didn’t get much sleep the night before but got enough that would hopefully keep me going. For some reason I could get a couple of hours sleep
and still manage 12 hours in the parks. I guess it was the Disney
magic. We didn’t need to get up as early this time as we were going
into Walt Disney Studios. I still woke up around 8am and grabbed a
quick shower. I dressed in my Beauty and the Beast top, jeans and
gold sparkly trainers. We were planning on meeting Belle at her meet
and greet in the studios, hence why I was wearing my Beauty and the
Beast top.
Once I was ready, me, Alison and Roland headed down to get
our breakfast. We were in the Yacht Club this time which was a
beautiful themed restaurant. I had my usual of scrambled egg, bacon
and mini pancakes. I washed it down with cool apple juice. I loved
the hotel breakfast. It was then back up to our room to finish getting
ready. I plaited Alison’s hair for her then filmed my videos.
four of us then headed out of the hotel, though Carol was staying
around the hotel that day. Alison and I stopped off in the World of
Disney shop before we went into the Studios. I ended up buying a
Disney Princess hat as I forgot to bring a hat with me. Then it was off into the Walt Disney Studios we
went. It was quite busy. Weather wise, it was dry and kind of warm. I
headed straight to Art of Animation to join the queue for Belle as
she was meeting from 10am. Alison and Roland went to get us drinks.
The queue wasn’t too long which was good as I was expecting it to
be mental. We were inside too which meant I could just sit on the
floor and chill for a bit. I did start to panic that Alison would
miss our meet and greet but thankfully she arrived in time for us to
meet Belle. I went first to meet one of my favourite princesses. She
looked stunning in her gold dress. She commented on my t-shirt and I
informed her about my Beauty and the Beast shoes which I had planned
to wear but didn’t as they were hurting me. She did like my sparkly gold ones though. She
was so lovely. We then got some photos. Alison went after me.

meeting Belle, I had to take a pain killer as my wisdom tooth was
hurting so bad. Then the three of us had a wonder around the studios.
Just as we were about to do the Studio Backlot Tour, it began to
rain. I was not impressed. I’m not the biggest fan of the Studio
Backlot Tour so it wasn’t of much interest to me, especially as I had done in back in 2015. In my opinion it's quite boring and could do with a huge upgrade. As we were on the
tram, I got a notification to say there were characters out in the
Front Lot so as soon as we got off the ride, I ran straight there.
Eeyore, Tiger and Pooh were all out along with Timone from The Lion
King. Sadly they were just about to head in so I had missed them.
While I waited to see if more characters would come out, I headed
into the shop to get our Belle photos sorted out as we had someone
else’s photos on our photopass. More characters came out so I went
over to meet Captain Hook. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the Once Upon a
Time, Captain Hook that I adore. When it was my turn, the cast member
said “It’s the queen you’ve always been waiting for.” Hook
didn’t look too impressed by my Hogwarts rain coat.
As I waited to meet the Winnie the pooh characters, I got chatting to a lovely girl called Laura who just happened to have the same birthday as me and liked Tangled. I then went to meet Timone and Rafiki from The Lion King. As I was waiting, I met Alison’s friend Cara. She kindly took my photos for me.
Alison and Roland had appeared at this point so
Alison could meet Donald and Daisy. Then Alison
and I went into the shop. While we were having a look around, Harry’s
Wondrous World from Harry Potter began playing and we freaked out a
We then visited Toy Story Playland and Ratatouille sections of the park so I could find somewhere to get something to eat. I also decided to try out the domino's as a wall photo since wall photos were all the rage in Walt Disney World. We didn’t go on any of the rides as none of them were as any interest to us. We opted to get food in the Blockbuster Café which is across from Rock n Rollercoaster. I was going to get some pizza but the pasta looked really good. It was part of the children’s meal deal. I got the pasta, crisps, carton of apple juice and a chocolate cupcake for 9 euros. It tasted so good. I did end up dropping some of my pasta on my jeans though.
It began lashing down with heavy rain while we were inside. I was very happy to be inside and not outside. Once it stopped raining, we headed out of the café to go and see Mickey and the Magician. We got chatting to an Irish family who were also waiting. We got pretty good seats on the left hand side so we had a good view. Mickey and the Magician was amazing. I did take some photos and videos but annoyingly by memory card became corrupt just like it did when I was in Blackpool for StorybrookeUK. It started off with Beauty and the Beast then featured The Lion King, Aladdin and Frozen. The Blue Fairy from Cinderella also made an appearance. I really, really enjoyed it. We then decided to leave the park and go back to the hotel for a bit. We met up with Carol in the Captain’s Quarter bar in our hotel. She was with a friend of hers called Glenda. Alison and I got the 25th anniversary kid’s cocktails in the flashing drinks cups. I got the pink one and Alison got the blue one. It was really nice. I know it had Sprite in it but I couldn't tell you what else.
Alison, Carol and I paid the shop a visit before returning to our room. We spent a bit of time there before we headed into the Disney Village to get food in Annette’s Diner. I had to go through all my spare memory cards to see what space I had left on them and delete a pile of photos and videos so I could take more photos and videos. This was really annoying as I dislike deleting photos without having them backed up on my computer. I think I ordered the onion burger and chips with apple juice in Annettes. I actually enjoyed my meal and would definitely eat in Annettes again. I just wished my tooth would stop hurting as it was driving me mad when I ate anything. Sadly, I didn't get any photos of my food.
We then went back into the Disneyland Park as we were returning to watch Illuminations. We took loads of photos and visited the various shops on Main Street USA. We then got a spot for Illuminations. Roland and I stood where we stood for the parade the previous day. It was a decent enough spot with a good view of the Castle. I did try to get some creative, Instagram photos but I really sucked at taking them lol.
We had
over an hour to wait on the show starting so we played I Spy and
Hangman for a short while. I also ate my Mickey marshmallow treat
that Alison got me. Before Illuminations started, Alison swapped
places with her Dad. Illuminations was really good and I cried at The
Lion King and Beauty and the Beast parts. I didn’t like the Star
Wars or Pirates of the Caribbean parts though. Alison went a bit
crazy when Emma Watson appeared on the castle as Belle. I was gutted
there was no Tangled part in it. Personally, I preferred Dreams to Illuminations but it was still good. I had planned on getting photos on
Main Street afterwards like all the cool people do, when the park is
practically empty but I completely forgot all about it. We did miss Mickey standing at the Main Street
Station waving us all ‘goodbye’. We just left the park and headed
back to the hotel. I was shattered by now. Once back at the hotel, we
got into our pyjamas and went to bed.
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