Anniversary Staycation at Killyhevlin Hotel in Enniskillen.

Back in January, Simon and I booked a last minute, overnight stay at the Killyhevlin Hotel in Enniskillen. Neither of us had been to Enniskillen before so were looking forward to a little mini break after the craziness of Christmas. One night was not enough for us as the two our journey there and back.

Simon and I visiting Killyhevlin in January

We decided to go back to Killyhevlin again for our second anniversary but we booked to stay for two nights this time. This would give us more time and make our trip more relaxing. We managed to get a decent deal on the official Killyhevlin website for the two nights. The deal was part of their autumn deals. I can't remember the official name of it though. It was around £119 per night and this included an upgraded room, use of the health spa, breakfast and a 4 course meal in Kove restaurant on one of the evenings. We booked to stay from Sunday the 13th to Tuesday the 15th October 2019. Our 2nd anniversary was on the 15th, which strangely, is also my parent's wedding anniversary. 

On the Sunday, Simon and I woke up around 8am and gave the house a quick tidy, and did some washing. We finished packing our case too and got organised for our staycation. I made us breakfast of poached eggs, toast and bacon. For a two night stay, we had one small, hand luggage sized case, a shopper bag with our shoes, wash bags and my straighteners. I wore my Primark dark denim jeans, a tan coloured top, cream cardigan and my brown boots. 

We left home at around 1pm and went to the garage to get petrol. Simon was driving to Enniskillen. We used the sat navigation in his Ford Focus car which was very beneficial and much better than relying on google maps on your phone. It did take us a very strange way to start off. Last time we went back in January, we stopped off in Junction one in Antrim first, so went from there. We decided to find somewhere about half way, where we could stop in for a coffee. The journey was about 2 hours long so we felt a pit stop was important. However, due to me looking at my phone to search google and the bumpy country roads, I began to feel car sick. I'm usually ok looking at my phone on a main motorway but country roads really don't agree with me and there were a lot of them. We went through many a small village. We had decided to go to Dungannon for our coffee as there was a Costa there. Simon had to pull in the car at one point as I was going to throw up. Thankfully I wasn't sick but I felt so horrible. We finally arrived in Dungannon at around 2pm and went to Costa. Costa is outside the main town in a retail park. I opted for a cup of tea as some coffee drinks can be quite sickening. Tea solves everything, doesn't it? I felt as right as rain in no time. Somehow, we managed to spend nearly an hour in Costa. The time seemed to fly in while we enjoyed our drinks. We stopped off in Home Bargains for a few snacks before we got back in the car to start our hour long drive to Enniskillen. Thankfully, this time we were on a main, duel carriage way rather than bumpy country roads. 

3 Hours Later
A long 3 hours later, we finally pulled into Killyhevlin Hotel in Enniskillen. It was now about 4pm and the weather was drizzly. There were quite a few people checking in but thankfully, we didn't have to wait very long. While we were waiting, I spotted a woman who I recognised. I find it funny that you go somewhere miles away and still see someone from your town. I couldn't figure out how I knew her though. Our room was number 257 and to right of reception and entrance. Last time it was to the left. We were on the second floor above the health club. 

Due to the deal we had booked, our room had been ungraded. We didn't have a full on lake view like we did back in January nor did we have a balcony but our room was still stunning. We could still see the lake and had a brilliant view of it. Our room was much bigger than last time with two double beds, a sofa, TV & DVD player, larger bathroom with bath and shower and we even had robes and slippers. I was very impressed with our room.



Health Club
One of the perks of staying in Killyhevlin, is that you get use of the health club. There's a good sized swimming pool, Jacuzzi, sauna, steam room and an outdoor hot tub. It wasn't overly busy so we got to use the Jacuzzi and hot tub. We didn't get to use the hot tub last time. I also went into the sauna but I found it hard to stick. I didn't even try the steam room. I loved sitting and chilling on the sun lounger. I loved the outdoor hot tub too. Even though it was chilly outside with some rain, it was so warm and nice sitting in it. The weather did clear up while we were there with the sun coming out and a bit of blue sky appearing. I have always been self conscious in a bikini in the past so I had brought a bikini and a swimsuit with me. I decided to go for the bikini and I felt pretty good in it. It did make my boobs look really good.

Beautiful Sunset

Dinner at Kove
We left the pool area around 6 I think. I gave myself a quick wash down and dressed then returned to the room to get a proper shower and wash my hair. I then dressed myself up in a floral, cold shoulder dress from Quiz, cropped nude pink jacket with my pink and rose gold shoes. I applied some make up and straightened my hair. Then, Simon and I headed downstairs to the Kove restaurant. We ate in there last time too and I really enjoyed it. I had the salmon and prawn linguine pasta which was so tasty. I had debated about getting it for starter or main but I went for it as a starter. For main course I went for slow roasted pork belly which I would never usually go for. Sadly, I regretted my decision as I wasn't a fan at all. I ordered a Love Heart cocktail too as I didn't think they did Malibu. The cocktail was quite nice. For dessert, I had the chocolate orange moose but again I wasn't a huge fan. The menu had changed since our visit in January as I had the espresso pancotta. Tea followed which I was happy about. In the middle of it all, I realised I had forgotten to take my pill. I aim to take it around 6pm every night but I had completely forgotten. I had to rush up to the room to take it. My shoes were hurting me, so I kicked off the shoes and ran up the stairs in my bare feet. We didn't overstay our welcome in the restaurant or bar, so we just returned to our room and got changed into our robes. Both of us were very tired by now too. I managed to get a decent night's sleep but our room did get very warm and we didn't have any air conditioning.

 Me all dressed up. Outfit from Quiz.
 with my love heart cocktail

One of my favourite things about staying in hotels, is the free hotel breakfast. Simon and I tend to only book hotels that do breakfast included. Simon woke me up at 7am, yes 7am. We were downstairs before 8am and had a walk around the hotel grounds just as the sun was rising. It was quite pretty but it did start raining. I was so ready for breakfast. It was in Kove restaurant and so quiet as we were really early. We got sat at a table for four with comfortable chairs. A lady took our order of tea and coffee. The hot food was not put out yet so I got some watermelon and a cinnamon swirl bun with some apple juice. The waitress took our hot food order. The food was lovely but too much for me as I had two of everything except eggs. Honestly, the girl who was our waitress wasn't very friendly. 

After breakfast, Simon and I returned to our room to get ready for our day. We had planned to visit the Marble Arch Caves but it was raining quite badly so we knew they wouldn't be opened. This was the second time we missed out in going due to the weather. We decided to go into Enniskillen town centre for a spot of shopping. Today I wore my Mickey Mouse hoody, white Disney castle t-shirt, denim H&M jeans and white Adidas trainers. We managed to make it to Erneside shopping centre before half 9 so it was really quiet. We visited the various shops in the shopping centre such as the Yankee Candle shop and Next. I got a new pair of black boots and a navy and white shirt in Next. My confidence took a bit of a knocking as I had tried on quite a few jumpers in Next but none of them fitted me. All of them were far too big, despite being a size 6. This is something I hate about knitwear in Autumn/winter, the huge sizing of jumpers and cardigans. I gave the health club a spa a call in our hotel to see if we could book ourselves in for a massage. I managed to get an appointment for 4:30pm for both of us. I did love shopping so early as the centre is so quiet with hardly anyone around. Simon and I stopped off at Costa for a drink. I had a caramel iced latte. Our last stop was the Yankee shop to purchase a few things. Then we headed back to Killyhevlin to have some lunch in the hotel. I had tuna sandwiches with a water. Simon had a salad. We then returned to our room to chill out before we went down to the spa for our massages. I managed to read some more of my book "A Spark of Light" by Jodi Picoult. I was thoroughly enjoying the book. We also had some day time TV rubbish on. I loved that we didn't have to rush around. I then got myself ready for the spa, putting my bikini on under my clothes and packing some essentials into a bag. I hadn't bothered putting any make up on that day as I didn't see any point and I just plaited my hair.


 All ready for spa

Spa and Massage
I have never, ever had a massage before and was quite anxious and nervous about it. I had no idea what to expect. Simon was feeling the same way too. We popped our swimming gear on under our clothes and packed our robes, slippers and underwear into a bag. Our massage was booked in for 4:30pm so we headed down before 4pm. First, we had to fill in some consultation forms then we went and got changed into our swim wear and robes. We weren't brave enough to walk through the hotel in our robes and slippers. A lady led us into the relaxation area which was so calming. The room had six comfortable sun loungers with calming lighting and music playing. There were some refreshments like fruit and water. We sat there for a short while just relaxing our minds. This is easier said than done for me but somehow I managed it. My massage lady was called Lisa. She came to collect me and Simon's massage lady came to collect him. We were taken into separate rooms which were lovely. There was a massage table with calming music playing. Lisa left me to get out of my robe and remove my bikini top then get myself under the soft towel on the table. It was a little strange at first, especially putting my face onto the cushion thing but I made myself comfortable. Lisa took forever to come back though. She pulled the towel up to my shoulders then got to work on my legs and feet. I don't like my feet being touched as I'm very tickly but it wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. I was very thankful I had shaved my legs the day before. I wouldn't recommend shaving your legs right before though. Once she finished my legs, she moved onto my hands and arms then my back and shoulders. My shoulders were so sore due to all the heavy lifting I do in work with deliveries. She worked my shoulders really well and the pain subsided eventually. It was so relaxing and I was thoroughly enjoying myself and was so relaxed. I could have fallen asleep so easily. I then moved onto my back where Lisa had put some warm towels down which felt so nice. She held the towel up so you didn't flash your boobs to her then wraps the towel around you. She also put a warm scented eye mask on you too. I really, really enjoyed my massage and felt so relaxed afterwards. It was so worth the money and would quite happily get another one in the future. I met up with Simon in the relaxation room afterwards where we chilled out for a short while. We decided not to go into the pool as we had some lovely massage oil on us and our skin felt so soft and we didn't really want to ruin all the hard work.

 All ready for the spa

Evening Event
There was one part of me that really didn't want to go out that evening to get something to eat as I was far too happy chilling in the room in my robes. I finally moved and grabbed a shower then dressed in my H&M jeans, black dressy top, green blazer and new black boots. I applied minimal make up and put a few curls in my hair as I didn't wash it. Once Simon and I were ready, we jumped into the car again and headed into Enniskillen to get food. We decided to go to a restaurant called Frankos which was an Italian restaurant, about a 5 minute drive from Killyhevlin. We found it quite easily to get too as we parked on a street then walked the rest of the way. It was cold, dark and wet outside though. I ordered a Malibu and coke to drink and it was in a huge gin glass.

Me with my huge malibu and coke

I ordered the garlic mushrooms for starters which were so good. I then had pizza for main which had chicken, onions, spinach, tomatoes and goats cheese on it. The pizza was huge so sadly, I couldn't finish it all as there was just too much of it. It was so yummy though. The restaurant was a little hidden gem and really nice inside. The staff were really pleasant too.
I thoroughly enjoyed our meal though we couldn't manage dessert. We then returned to our hotel and got changed back into our robes so sit and chill. Somehow we started playing hang man. It was then time for bed and I was absolutely shattered. I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and our bathroom was so hot, like a sauna.

 Me with my massive pizza.

The Next Day
We woke up about 8am and began getting ourselves ready. It was actually our 2nd anniversary today. I wore my H&M jeans again with my navy Hogwarts t-shirt and my Mickey Mouse hoody again. We went downstairs for breakfast and sat at the same table as the day before. The hot food was already out as we were a little later. The lady came and took our tea and coffee order. I went and got my hot food first which was so tasty. I had tea while Simon had coffee. I then had some watermelon and a cinnamon swirl and some apple juice. After breakfast, we had a walk around while it was nice and dry. We took some photos of the amazing view before we headed back to our room. We finished our packing and sorted out our bags for the pool as we were heading back to the health club after we checked out.  We obviously had to wait at least an hour before we went near the swimming pool. We sat and watched television and I read some of my book again.

We then said "goodbye" to our lovely room and went down to reception to check out. We put some of our luggage in the car then went down to the health club which we were still allowed to use. I changed into my bikini and then went into the Jacuzzi. It was so peaceful which I liked. We got to use the sauna again and spent some time outside in the hot tub which was so lovely. I was too short to properly sit down in it though as the water came up to my chin. The weather was quite nice too and it wasn't raining. We didn't go into the swimming pool this time around which I didn't mind. At half 11, I left and went to have a shower while Simon went into the steam room. There was a pregnant woman aerobics class starting so it got very busy. We picked a good time to leave and get showered. I didn't feel overly comfortable getting changed in public so I kept my towel wrapped tightly around me. I quickly got dried and dressed but I only had one towel. I usually have two with me when I go swimming; one for my hair and one for my body. I was sweating too and still had my hair to dry. Two women were having a good gossip and taking up the whole area where the hair dryers and mirror were. I quickly dried my hair and rushed out of the changing room to get some fresh air. I met Simon and we went outside for a last walk around the hotel grounds.

It was then on the road for two hours. We stopped off in Dungannon at Costa for some lunch. It took us about an hour to get there again. I had a cheese and ham toasted sandwich and a cup of tea. We also had a walk around the little shopping centre to get some snacks in Sainsburys. It was back on the road again back to Ballymena which took another hour. We weren't going straight home though. We headed straight to a local butchers to get some of our favourite sausages and some bacon. Then we went to Sainsburys to get a food shop. Our last stop before home was the Fairhill Centre to pick up my Next order which was my slippers and dressing gown Simon had ordered for me. We arrived home before 5pm and began organising the food shop while Simon sorted the luggage out. We had fish fingers and potato wedges for dinner. We settled down to watch some Taskmaster in our PJs. 

We had the most amazing stay at Killyhevlin and would definitely recommend visiting there. The hotel is beautiful with a lovely view of Lough Erne. I preferred our room this time around compared to our January visit. The only downside is that there is no air conditioning, though we did have a fan in our room. The room was clean and comfortable which is the main thing. I would definitely suggest a two night stay as it gives you more time without having to worry about travelling two days in a row. Sadly, we didn't get to do much outside of our hotel due to the weather which was a shame but we enjoyed chilling out in the hotel more than anything. If you're planning on booking, do it via the official website and look for the offers which include an evening meal and breakfast. 
