Now that I've been back to work a week, after 11 weeks off during lockdown, I've been having a think about what I wish I had done or how I wish I'd spent my time during lockdown. You'd think, being off for 11 weeks, I would have achieved a lot but in all honesty, I maybe wasn't a productive as I probably should have been. Maybe I'm just being too hard on myself. As long as I was staying home and keeping safe, surely that was the main thing? Right?
Anyways, here's some of things I wish I had done more of.
1) Read
I actually love reading but in the past while, I just didn't seem to have the time to get stuck into a good book. Lockdown would have been the perfect time to read several of the books I have that are gathering dust on my bookshelf but I never got near them. I did manage to finish two Walt Disney books and A Spark of Light that I seemed to take forever to finish. I really need to find the time to read more and loose myself in a good book. I'll be going back on furlough for a few weeks and I'm determined to start reading again. A lot of my books have gone into storage while we're living with my Dad but I did bring a few with me.
I actually love reading but in the past while, I just didn't seem to have the time to get stuck into a good book. Lockdown would have been the perfect time to read several of the books I have that are gathering dust on my bookshelf but I never got near them. I did manage to finish two Walt Disney books and A Spark of Light that I seemed to take forever to finish. I really need to find the time to read more and loose myself in a good book. I'll be going back on furlough for a few weeks and I'm determined to start reading again. A lot of my books have gone into storage while we're living with my Dad but I did bring a few with me.
2) Scrapbooking
I still have to finish the scrapbook I was making from my 2015 trip to Disneyland Paris and I'm not even joking. Simon bought me a beautiful scrapbook for our story so far that I've only just started. I think it's taken me so long to complete these as I'm not very creative when it comes to crafting.
I still have to finish the scrapbook I was making from my 2015 trip to Disneyland Paris and I'm not even joking. Simon bought me a beautiful scrapbook for our story so far that I've only just started. I think it's taken me so long to complete these as I'm not very creative when it comes to crafting.
3) Watch the Marvel movies again
Simon introduced me to the Marvel movies back in 2019 before Avengers Endgame was released. I had planned on watching them in chronological order but I haven't had the chance yet. If I'm feeling restless, I find it hard to sit down and focus on a movie and the Marvel movies are quite long and action packed. I might give them a go at some point, maybe on my days off when Simon is working.
Simon introduced me to the Marvel movies back in 2019 before Avengers Endgame was released. I had planned on watching them in chronological order but I haven't had the chance yet. If I'm feeling restless, I find it hard to sit down and focus on a movie and the Marvel movies are quite long and action packed. I might give them a go at some point, maybe on my days off when Simon is working.
4) Watch more Disney movies
Disney plus came out at a brilliant time, the day after lockdown was announced and I got stuck into watching the likes of the Imagineering story straight away. I had planned to work my way through the movies in alphabetical order but at the time of writing this I'm only on Camp Rock. I have skipped a lot of the film's I don't recognise or ones which don't interest me though. There are quite a lot of movies on Disney+ I have never heard of before so I've skipped them. They'll keep me occupied on my days off now.
Disney plus came out at a brilliant time, the day after lockdown was announced and I got stuck into watching the likes of the Imagineering story straight away. I had planned to work my way through the movies in alphabetical order but at the time of writing this I'm only on Camp Rock. I have skipped a lot of the film's I don't recognise or ones which don't interest me though. There are quite a lot of movies on Disney+ I have never heard of before so I've skipped them. They'll keep me occupied on my days off now.
5) Go for walks
In the beginning of lockdown, I really enjoyed going for walks around my village or down to the local shop but in the last few weeks, I didn't bother. I kind of got lazy towards the end which is rather annoying. Now that we're in summer, hopefully I'll get out more for walks.
In the beginning of lockdown, I really enjoyed going for walks around my village or down to the local shop but in the last few weeks, I didn't bother. I kind of got lazy towards the end which is rather annoying. Now that we're in summer, hopefully I'll get out more for walks.
6) Daily work outs
I tried 15 minute workouts a few times but I got bored very quickly. I'm not the type to work out but I wish I had forced myself to keep at it. I even tried a few Disney workouts but I got bored quickly nor did I like how much I ached for days afterwards.
I tried 15 minute workouts a few times but I got bored very quickly. I'm not the type to work out but I wish I had forced myself to keep at it. I even tried a few Disney workouts but I got bored quickly nor did I like how much I ached for days afterwards.
7) Stop getting annoyed by social media
Social media is an amazing tool but at the same time, it can be a very toxic place. I found during lockdown, it was very toxic and hard to follow. I felt it affected my mental health at times and I got annoyed at the smallest of things. I wish I had of taken myself away for an hour or four and put my energy and time into something fun like watching a movie or reading a book or baking.
Social media is an amazing tool but at the same time, it can be a very toxic place. I found during lockdown, it was very toxic and hard to follow. I felt it affected my mental health at times and I got annoyed at the smallest of things. I wish I had of taken myself away for an hour or four and put my energy and time into something fun like watching a movie or reading a book or baking.
8) Write blog posts
I have so many blog post ideas in my head that I'd like to write but it was finding the motivation to write them. I'd switch on the laptop and get distracted by online shopping.
I have so many blog post ideas in my head that I'd like to write but it was finding the motivation to write them. I'd switch on the laptop and get distracted by online shopping.
When I look back at the past 11 weeks, it amazes me at how quickly they flew in. The last time I had that much time off was when I worked in a primary school and got 9 weeks off for summer. Only this time I was completely limited on what I could do, as we couldn't go out shopping or see family and friends or visit a restaurant or cinema. I think people put a lot of pressure on themselves to be productive during lockdown but as long as we kept ourselves safe and stayed home, surely that's all that mattered?
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